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1. Name of org.png

Sheaf Training Centre

Organisation logo:

Name of organisation and/or project:

Sheaf Logo Century Text (1).jpg
3. Phone.png


0114 403 1007

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5. Website.png


Please note that we have a new website currently under construction – if the address differs from this I will let you know.

6. Address.png


Norwood Drive


S5 7BH

7. Social Media.png

Social Media:


How to get in touch:

8. What org does 2.png

At Sheaf, all of our learners receive impartial CEIAG as part of their study programme enabling them to make informed decisions about their future pathways and encourage all our young people to consider a pathway to work whatever that may look like for them. 


We use the expertise of the DWP to advise around benefits and Access to Work. We have experienced tutors who deliver our study programmes and education support workers who give academic and pastoral support.  Job coaches give in-work support to learners accessing supported internships and help the interns work towards employment independence.  Furthermore, we support learners to realise the area of work that interests them most and then how to complete application forms and prepare for interviews.  We also advocate for reasonable adjustments which could be supporting through the interview process.  Securing employment is a positive destination we encourage our learner to aspire to.

Who can access our support:

9.  Who can access.png

As we offer full-time study programmes, and as a high needs centre, we only take people from 16-25 years old with EHCPs.  Where learners don’t have a plan, but still have a need, they have to be aged between 16 and 18 when they apply.  All learners need to want to access a full-time study programme, which includes maths and English, and need to be keen to make progress.


There is an internal progression route so learners can stay more than one year as long as they are developing academically.

What the organisation does:

Further information:

10. Who do we work with.png

Who do we work with?

As a provider of high needs education, we support children and young people from aged 16-25 with an EHCP and as such support children and young people with a variety of needs and disabilities.  We provide a pathway to work so often we give children and young people the first steps into the world of work supporting them through to a supported internship where appropriate.

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How to Join us?

People can make an application via our website or via  Learners are also referred using the local authorities EHCP consultation process.

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What areas of South Yorkshire do we cover?

Our campus is based in the north of Sheffield, on Norwood Drive, and as such the majority of our learners are Sheffield based. We do, however, have learners from Barnsley and Rotherham too.

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Where and how do we support people?

Sheaf Training is Sheffield City Council’s high needs training provider.  We offer full-time study programmes, including Supported Internships, to 16-25 years old children and young people, the vast majority of whom have an Education, Health and Care plan.  All learners are supported on site to achieve their learning goals and those on work placement are given support on site for whilst needed.

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Can we offer support to employers?

We have job coaches and support workers who offer support to employers giving them advice, tools and resources as necessary and appropriate.

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When are we open?

Our campus office is open 8:30am to 4:30pm.

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Any other information:

As a high needs provider of further education, we develop the skills of our children and young people for life beyond education.  We help them prepare for adulthood in a meaningful way for them.


Our intent is to develop the following:


  • Skills for independence

  • Health and happiness

  • Education and Employment opportunities

  • Aspirations

  • Foundations for life

Graphics by Photosymbols 2023

 © 2021 Employment is for Everyone

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