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1. Name of org.png

Organisation logo:

LSE logo.png

Name of organisation and/or project:

Local Supported Employment for the CALDT Team

(Community Autism and Learning Disability Team)

3. Phone.png


01302 736705

4. Email.png


5. Website.png


6. Address.png


Civic office




7. Social Media.png

Social Media:

Facebook -CALDT

How to get in touch:

8. What org does 2.png

Our friendly team helps people with Learning Disabilities or Autism to find a job that they enjoy and stay in work.


We can support people in Doncaster to learn new skills and flourish in the workplace.


Our support includes:

  • Help to find out what kind of job would be good for you.

  • Training so you can build basic skills that employers value.

  • Travel training.

  • Job searching tips.

  • Support to write your CV and prepare for interviews.

  • Job coaching and support at work so you can learn your role.

  • Chances to meet local employers that offer work experience, taster shifts or working interviews.

Who can access our support:

9.  Who can access.png
  • Individuals must not be in work or full-time education.

  • Individuals must not be on another Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) employment programme.

  • Individuals must not be on another government funded employment programme or  one provided by a charitable trust or third party.

What the organisation does:

Further information:

10. Who do we work with.png

Who do we work with?

  • Individuals who have a learning disability or autism and are known to the adult social care department of the local authority.

  • Individuals who are at least18 years of age.

  • Individuals who show willingness and understand the benefits of participating in LSE to find and sustain paid work.

11. How do you join us.png

How to Join us?

  • The service is free.

  • People can self-refer or be referred by somebody else on their behalf – family member, friend, social worker.

  • Email

  • Call 01302 736705

  • Or attend weekly drop ins at the Civic Office, Doncaster Council, Wednesdays, 9.30am - 12.30pm.

12. What areas of SY.png

What areas of South Yorkshire do we cover?

  • We only work with people in Doncaster.

  • The Local Supported Employment programme is also provided in Sheffield and Barnsley.

13. Where and how support people.png

Where and how do we support people?

  • Support can be provided by an initial telephone call.

  • A home visit can be arranged.

  • We often meet in the community, at a local café or place of choice.

  • Supported is also provided by email.

14. Support to Employers.png

Can we offer support to employers?

  • We can offer advice to support employers and local businesses who may wish to create roles for people that might need some extra guidance.

  • We can introduce employers to clients and sometimes help create a work placement or job trial to allow people to obtain some initial experience.

  • We meet with local employers to learn about specific roles and work out ways to best support each other and clients through the recruitment process and at work.

  • We support employers by offering in work support and coaching to participants to help them learn the job and sustain the employment.

  • We offer regular workplace reviews to ensure participant performance and employer satisfaction. This may include identifying further career opportunities.

15. When are we open.png

When are we open?

Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

16. Any other Information.png

Any other information:

Graphics by Photosymbols 2023

 © 2021 Employment is for Everyone

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